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Christina Rowe
We all have our gifts, and Christina’s is a keen ability to swiftly identify the dynamics, strengths, and interactions of teammates. She is naturally tuned into people’s emotions and actions. Christina’s well-honed skill for finding team road blocks in communication and progress, then dissolving, them makes her a powerful resource for teams looking to advance their productivity, communication, and overall team bond.
Christina has worked with board of directors in many fields, as well as leaders in their industries from medical specialties to construction. Her love of working closely with leaders to create positive change and impactful cultures led her to pursue her Master of Science in Organizational Leadership, with a double concentration in Organizational Leadership & Management and Strategic Human Resources. After completing her graduate degree Christina founded The Collaborative to supply the tools to teams, department heads, new leaders, and small to medium businesses to help accelerate their progress in their fields. Christina is trained and certified by Gallup, the world’s pre-eminent institution for strength-based leadership.
Christina enjoys outreach, teaching, and learning through speaking engagements. She has lead workshops at the American Academy of hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) Annual Conference the past few years, spoken at Denver Start-up Week, and is a repeat speaker at the annual conference for American Association of Medical Society Executives (AAMSE).