Woo-hoo! Today we are launching our podcast Conversations by Association, produced in partnership with Association Management Center in Chicago. With a fantastic co-host, Steve Smith, executive at American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and Association Management Center, we interview creative, bold, and inspiring leaders in the association management field (and an occasional superstar from the nonprofit world!) This podcast is a free tool to help individuals define their paths, learn new perspectives, and refine their own skills.
Listening will be like eavesdropping on coffee with leaders discussing how they carved out their career paths, where they look for motivation, and what they hope to accomplish next. It’s packed with tangible takeaways from guests that will leave you excited, inspired, and energized! (Even if you’re in a different industry.) It’s a great way to start your morning!
Episodes launch Thursday July 11th and drop weekly on all the major platforms!
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What launches other than a boat? Satellites, Rockets, Spaceships… and PODCASTS!